Sasha's Page   

Hi, My name is Sasha!!

I am a  Lab mix of some sort (we are not sure what!) that mom and dad adopted at the Santa Clara Valley Humane Society in June 2000.

Someone had abandoned me and my pups near Skyline Blvd. I had been living on my own for a little while, and I was pretty scared in that "Cage". Sometimes, I can still be kind of shy, but I have recovered pretty well!!!  

As you can tell, I love to pose for pictures. Can you believe someone dumped me with THIS cute face? 
Ah well - now I am very spoiled and loving it!!  :)) 

One of my pups was brought in with me, and the people there named her Sally. She was about two months when we came in. Mom did not know about her when  she adopted me, so we were separated. I am sure she went to a good home, but I am curious about how she turned out - so if you are a lab mix  named Sally adopted in June, let me know!

We are not sure what my true heritage is, but they like to call me a Lablette  because I look like a lab, but I am too small. We think that I am almost 4  yrs old - the SCVH people said I was 3 yrs old when I was adopted, so that is now my birthday - June 17th! 

You can see more pictures of me  here!


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